List of acronyms
AC/DC = AC to DC power conversion
A/D = analog to digital data conversion
AI = artificial intelligence
BESS = battery energy storage system
CapEx = capital expenditures for PV smoothing [\$/kW]
DC/AC = DC to AC power conversion (inversion)
dHI = diffused horizontal irradiance [W/m2]
DHI = direct horizontal irradiance [W/m2]
DNI = direct normal irradiance [W/m2]
EDLC = electric double layer capacitor (supercapacitor)
ESS = energy storage system (unspecified technology)
FESS = flywheel energy storage system
GHI = global horizontal irradiance [W/m2]
GI = global irradiance [W/m2] (unspecified plane of incidence)
GIf = forecasted future global irradiance [W/m2]
GNI = global normal irradiance [W/m2]
GX = specific accumulated energy by filter (GI-corresponding) [Wh/m2]
IPLPF = ideal predictive low-pass power filter
LPF = low-pass (power) filter
MPPT = maximum power point tracking
OLAP = online analytical processing (of pre-aggregated data)
OpEx = operational expenditures for PV smoothing [\$/kW/year]
PLPF = predictive low-pass power filter
PV = photovoltaic
PVPP = photovoltaic power plant
RedOx = Reduction-Oxidation accumulation technology
RES = Renewable Energy Source
SE = standard error
SOC = state of charge [Wh] of ESS
SPLPF = smart predictive low-pass power filter
Δt = lead time interval [minute] of prediced power
V-I characteristic = voltage current dependency